We are Catholic men building a
bridge back to faith Waconia Knights of Columbus Council 2506 Serving St. Joseph, St. Bernard, and
St. Victoria Parishes
The Official Website of the Waconia Knights of Columbus
Council #2506
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Fish Fry's
during Lent on Fridays March 7 - April
11, 4:00 - 7:00 The KC Fish Fry provides a
non-meat option for the community
committed to fasting during Lent. The
Fish Fry brings
the parish together outside of Sunday
gatherings, and raises money for causes
close to the hearts of our local
Last year in an
independent poll, Waconia won First
Place for our Fish Fries in the entire
metro area!!
Please sign up to
help today using this
LINK or contact Chuck Walerius
cwalerius60@gmail.com or 952-270-4706
Christmas Party Helps Gather and
Grow Food Shelf The Waconia
Knights celebrated Christmas on
December 17th together with over 80
brother Knights and family members.
Through free will donations that
evening, the Knights raised $1,000
that was donated to the Gather and
Grow Food Shelf. The goal of Food
for Families is to ensure that as
few as possible go to bed hungry
each night. Many in our community
are struggling through hardship and
are unable to provide food for their
The Knights of
Columbus are committed to helping
end hunger through the Food for
Families program, which donates to
our local Food Shelf.
Exemplification - Welcome New Members! On Sunday
December 15th, our council held its fall
exemplification ceremony in the church
after the 10:30 AM Mass. We were excited
to have Father Stan attend the ceremony
and serve as the Chaplain during the
event. We were able to add seven new
members: Cesar Merino, Matt Bell, Eric
Menth, Erik Olson, Josh Sell, Chris
Carlson, and Kevin Carlson. We also had
three new members that joined the Chaska
Council # 9141 and had two of our own
1st Degree Knights who completed their
3rd Degree status: Dave Philip and Logan
Haskins. Congrats to all!!
Join the Knights! The Waconia
Knights welcome all practicing Catholic
men 18 or older to join the Knights.
Together, we help each other find our
mission and conform our lives to Christ
and our principles – Charity, Unity,
Fraternity and Patriotism. To join the
Knights, click >>HERE<<